Monday, July 31, 2006

Spiritual Solutions

David Miscavige in a speech called This is Scientology made the following point:

"The answer to this planet’s problems will not be found in the 'material.' Of this there can be no question. For if those solutions can’t prevent war nation to nation, how then can it be expected to answer questions like “love,” “happiness” or “peace of mind?” So, we can’t expect the answer to be found in chemicals. Not unless one buys into a synthesized utopia, or a “Brave New World,” with a perfect pleasure drug."

This speech resonated with me. I've always believed this to be true.

That's why I'm a Scientology Volunteer Minister. And when it comes down to it, that's why I'm a Scientologist, as a matter of fact.

The brilliance of what L. Ron Hubbard accomplished in his research is something that never ceases to amaze me.

I remember the first Scientology book I ever read cover-to-cover -- The Problems of Work. I was pretty young, on a new job, completely intimidated by what I was supposed to do -- type a perfect letter (on a typewriter with carbon papers). I KNEW I couldn't do that.

The day before I'd read a chapter in this book that gave an excercise you can do to increase your ability. I did it. It took 15 minutes. Then I put in the carbon paper, rolled the paper into the machine and typed a perfect letter. No one was more surprised than me.

The typewriter hadn't changed. The order hadn't changed, they typist sure hadn't changed (to a different person, that is). Only one thing had changed - me. And so:

"The answer to this planet’s problems will not be found in the 'material.' " -- [and, my own paranthetical remark, these answers are right there in Scientology books.]

(David Miscavige, whom I quoted above, is Chairman of the Board of Religious Technolology Center.)


In the 1913 Websters the definition for the word "humanitarian" was defined as "One who is actively concerned in promoting the welfare of his kind; a philanthropist." This was listed as a "recent" definition.
The last century has seen many great humanitarians - famous and not - who live up to this definition.

Scientology Volunteer Ministers who travel to parts unknown simply to help those in need in times of disaster are humanitarians.