Youth Leader Invites Scientology Volunteer Ministers to Train Kenya Scouts
Elly Rajab Omondi, 22, of Nairobi, Kenya, founder and director of Baden Powell Peer Educators, forged a partnership between the Scouts of Kenya and the Scientology Volunteer Ministers this fall. Omondi’s group, composed of Scout leaders and other young people, grapple with the most critical issues facing his country and Africa as a whole: how to combat drug abuse and HIV/AIDS and how to resolve conflicts before they escalate into insurgency and war.
Earlier this year, Omondi found the Scientology Volunteer Ministers web site and the online courses offered there. The skills he gained convinced him that the Scouts needed these same skills to help them accomplish their purpose and make a real difference in their country.
Omondi described the three online courses he took—”Answers to Drugs,” “Communication” and “How to Resolve Conflicts”—as “greatly beneficial,” saying, “My life has changed.” Omandi formed a group and has trained the members on the three courses. “We were in the darkness and now we know the light in problems such as communication, answers to drugs and conflict resolution.”
When he found out that an experienced Scientology Volunteer Minister was flying to Kenya to provide seminars, he arranged to have several training sessions for a group of Scouts and these were all held in September 2009. The Scouts’ seminars covered technology developed by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard on Communication, the Basics of Organization and Scientology Assists—spiritual first aid that helps the individual improve communication with his or her own environment, thus helping overcome trauma and stress and speed recovery from illnesses and injuries.
Elly has invited the Scientology Volunteer Ministers back to Kenya to hold a second round of seminars before the end of the year. He is also establishing a Scientology Volunteer Ministers resource center for which he needs a few dozen computers. At this center young men and women from the slums of Kibera in Nairobi, and Scouts who come to the city from around the country to attend National Scouts Camp, will be able to log onto the Internet and take online Volunteer Ministers training.
“Scouts and the Volunteer Ministers share a lot in common,” said Omandi. “We are assisting youth to be more able and creating sanity in this generation. Most people have lost hope. But we believe something can be done about it!”
For information on how to donate old computers or laptops to Omondi’s Volunteer Ministers resource center or to arrange seminars for your group or organization, contact the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Coordinator at or visit the web site at
Labels: Samoa, Scientology, Scientology Volunteer Ministers, Volunteer Ministers